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VETERINARY CLINIC aretusea of \u200b\u200bPANTANO STEFANOsavecompany

VETERINARY CLINIC aretusea of \u200b\u200bPANTANO STEFANO is located in Siracusa, Italy on Viale Paolo Orsi, 45. VETERINARY CLINIC aretusea of \u200b\u200bPANTANO STEFANO is rated 4.4 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Italy.

Star 3 out of 5 price$$
rating_single_star 4.2
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One word: WOW! When I left for my holidays I forgot the medicines anti leishmaniosis at home and to buy a new one at the pharmacy I had to get a prescription from the vet. The pharmacist suggested me to visit this clinic. As soon as I arrived here, Dr. Luigi Rocchi understood the situation and he immediately took care of this matter. Quick service, friendly approach, and since it took him a couple of minutes to write it, he actually charged me nothing! The clinic is clean, nice and full of toys for our furry friends. If I will need a vet I will definitely come back here and recommend it to anyone. Also very nice the fact that the clinic is open 24/7.


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Faycal Marouf

Brought my dog for deworming prior to travelling back to Malta. Was told to wait till 8:30am since it was not emergency. After a two minutes inspection and one pill I went to pay. No credit card possible as I'm not an Italian resident. First time this ever happens in my several trips in Italy. Cash only. Dodgy. 50euros for the two minutes of his time. Ok I think this is getting worse. Receipt? No, can't get one neither because... I don't have a fiscal number... STAY AWAY FROM THESE CON ARTISTS!


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Marcello Ruberto

(Translated by Google) I discovered the clinic thanks to my local veterinarian (I come from outside) who advised me when my big cat seemed to have a problem that required the utmost professionalism and specific skills. This Clinic has even more than that. In addition to diagnosing my Tommy's problem in a short time, with great professionalism (it should be emphasized) and humanity, they are following him throughout the healing process. Thanks to you it has improved tremendously. They are all exceptional doctors, without their timely intervention he would never have made it. A heartfelt thanks to the whole structure, for all this, from me and Tommy. Marcello of Catania. Thank you again (Original) Ho scoperto la clinica grazie al mio veterinario di zona ( vengo da fuori) che mi ha consigliato loro quando il mio micione sembrava presentare un problema che richiedeva la massima professionalità e competenze specifiche. Questa Clinica ha anche più di questo. Oltre diagnosticare in tempi brevi, con grande professionalità (va sottolineato) e umanità il problema del mio Tommy, lo stanno seguendo in tutto il percorso curativo. Grazie a voi è migliorato incredibilmente. Sono tutti medici eccezionali, senza il loro tempestivo intervento non ce l'avrebbe mai fatta. A tutta la struttura va un grazie di cuore, per tutto questo, da parte mia e di Tommy. Marcello da Catania. Ancora Grazie


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Eusebio Restaurant

(Translated by Google) Very good !! All the staff. A real Clinic, I think that such a structure has high costs that justify the prices not so much higher than other places I have known. Personally I was satisfied for now in all respects both with the kindness but above all with how they treated my little one who was operated on and for now everything seems to be going great. In particular, I have to thank Dr. Pantano who was very scrupulous and explained everything to me with extreme precision both before and after the operation. We are waiting for you to eat some good Argentine Meat in Ortigia from Eusebio, I think it's miles after this Covid period !! PS: Thanks! Complements to young doctors and so professional !!! (Original) Bravissimi!! Tutto l'staff. Una vera Clinica, penso che una struttura del genere ha costi elevati che giustificano i prezzi non tanto più elevati che altri posti che ho conosciuto. Personalmente sono rimasto soddisfatto per ora in tutto e per tutto sia della gentilezza ma soprattutto di come hanno trattato la mia piccoletta che è stata operata e per ora pare stia andando tutto alla grande. In particolare.devo ringraziare il Dott. Pantano che è stato scrupolosissimo e mi ha spiegato tutto con estrema precisione sia prima sia dopo l'operazione. Vi aspettiamo a mangiare della buona Carne Argentina in Ortigia da Eusebio , penso sia miglio dopo queste periodo di Covid!! PS: Grazie ! Complementi ai medici giovini e cosi professionale!!!


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Anna Cimino

(Translated by Google) Excellent structure and competent staff. Doctor Pantano was very good, he urgently operated on our labrador and all the staff who followed us showing great professionalism. Thanks also to the very kind Mrs. Monica, who also supported us psychologically .... A point of reference for our pets. (Original) Ottima struttura e personale competente. Bravissimo il dottor Pantano che ha operato d'urgenza la nostra labrador e tutto lo staff che ci ha seguito dimostrando grande professionalità. Grazie anche alla gentilissima signora Monica, che ci ha supportati anche psicologicamente.... Un punto di riferimento per i nostri pelosetti.


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+39 93162342



Viale Paolo Orsi 45
96100 Siracusa SR

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